Improve your understanding of acne, including its presentation, differential diagnoses, the referral process, and treatment options. This course offers practical insights to help you manage patients confidently.


This course provides a comprehensive overview of acne, covering its epidemiology, pathogenesis, and clinical presentation. You will learn about diagnostic guidelines, differential diagnoses, severity grading, and first-line treatment options. Detailed sections help you understand psychological impacts, referral criteria, and management strategies for this condition, blended with interactive quizzes and case studies for practical application.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Describe what acne is and how to manage it
  • Interpret the relevant guidelines and explain recent updates
  • Identify when to seek advice and how to refer appropriately to secondary care

  • Dr Mousumi Dasgupta Zaman, FRCP(Edin), MRCP(UK)
  • Dr Dinushani Bandara

Peer Reviewer
  • Dr Hannah Wainman MBBS MRCGP (2011) DPD DCH DRCOG PGCert (TLHP)